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Monday, 24 February 2020

sajilo tarika of cucumbercultivation

Cucumber: cucumis sativus

Family: cucurbitaceae

 Uses and nutritive value:
➢ It is rich sources of carbohydrates and vitamins, contains 
trace amount of minerals and protein. 
➢ It is consumed as salad and pickles form.
➢ Fruits are good for people suffering from indigestion, 
constipation and jaundice. 
It is warn season crops but prefers slightly low temp. In
comparison to others cucurbits. Optimum temp. Required for 
growth and development is 18-24ᵒc. 
Loam soil is best for cucumber cultivation with pH range 5.5-6.8.
Manure and fertilizers:
 15-25 tons FYM/ha is required 80:40:40 Kg NPK/ha is 
recommended. Full dose of P, K and FYM half dose of N is applied 
as basal dose, remaining N is top dressed at 45days after 
Seed rate and spacing:
Generally 3-4 Kg seeds is required for one ha of land. 
Spacing is maintained as
R-R: 1.5-2m 
P-P: 60-90cm 
➢ Priya +Bhaktapur local
➢ Long green +Nuja -179 
➢ Aman +Hero Himalaya 
➢ Dynasty +NS-404 
➢ Poinsette +Sanjaya 
➢ Karma (2066) +Chadani (2066)
➢ Sheetal +Himal 
➢ Kusle (2051) + NS- 408 

Plating season:
High Hill Chaitra
Mid Hill Falgun-Baishak 
Terai Falgun-Baishak
Plants requires irrigation at 5-6 days interval. Irrigation is 
essential at vine spreading stage, flowering stage, fruit enlarging 
Pre-plant application of Fluchloraline or teifluralin @ 0.75-1 
Kg/ha is effective for weed control. 
Generally fruits becomes ready to harvest at 60-70 days after 
sowing. Fruits are harvested at immature stage, near full size but 
before the needs are fully enlarge. 
Average yield is 28-30to/ha. 

It can be stored at 10-12ᵒc at RH 85-90% for 10-14 days.

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